For Faculty

Dear Faculty Colleagues,
Regardless of your academic discipline, you have the potential to help grow students’ climate literacy and climate response-ability, which is the capacity to contribute to positive climate actions in our professions and our communities. Here are key opportunities we hope faculty across campus will consider:
- Climate Studies Course Attribute – apply to have your climate related course tagged in the Bulletin and included in the forthcoming, interdisciplinary Climate Studies minor
- Climate Course (Re)Design Institute – participate in this multi-day professional development program (with thanks to our partners at CETLSS)
- Climate Solutions Video Institute – participate in this multi-day professional development program focused on enhancing climate teaching through video production
- Climate Stories Collaborative – join this teaching and learning community aimed at growing our capacity to use creative expression to better understand and communicate about climate change and climate solutions
- QEP Co-Curricular & Engagement Grants – apply for funding to implement co-curricular and engagement programs that advance students’ climate literacy and response-ability. Proposed programs may include climate-focused guest speakers, workshops, exhibits, performances, participatory art projects, community engagement projects, etc.
Also, check our Events page for upcoming opportunities to participate in and share with your students. Future additions to this section of the QEP website will include information on:
- Additional professional development opportunities via our partnership with CETLSS
- Climate Studies Minor development
Tracking Pathways to Resilience Co-Curricular Activities
Have you coordinated/led a climate literacy related co-curricular activity (event, program, etc.)? Help us keep track of such activities by taking a few minutes to complete this Google form.
Ideas for Pathways to Resilience Co-Curricular Activities
Do you have an idea for a climate change focused speaker, program, or event? Share your idea(s) by taking a few minutes to complete this Google form.
Are you interested in contributing to student learning about climate change by serving as a faculty representative on our QEP Implementation Committee? Email QEP Director Dr. Shea Tuberty ( to indicate your interest!