The Pathways to Resilience Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success (CETLSS) invite faculty from across campus to join us for our first Climate in the Disciplines Course (Re)Design Institute. Participants will be compensated with a stipend and will be expected to submit a product (syllabus or module—participants’ choice) by the end of the summer.
Goals: The primary goal of this institute is to help faculty prepare to teach at the upper level within their own academic program about climate change and climate solutions. Climate in the Disciplines (CID) courses explore ways that a discipline—including the sectors of activity and professional pathways that flow from it—can contribute to actions that reduce the drivers of climate change (climate mitigation) and/or reduce the harms of climate change (climate adaptation). We aim to inspire/foster faculty creativity around teaching about climate, expand the circle of faculty who are teaching about climate, and build community among these faculty.

Leaders: This leader-full institute will be facilitated by QEP leaders Shea Tuberty (Biology) and Laura England (Sustainable Development), by climate literacy champions Brian Burke (Sustainable Development) and Rachel Wilson (Learning, Teaching and Curriculum), and course design guru Lindsay Masland (CETLSS). We will be joined by additional “resource people” who will also contribute their expertise to our program.
Stipend: CID Institute is a compensated professional development program offered to instructors who are willing to commit to the three day learning experience and complete one of these two products:
- Syllabus ($1500 stipend): newly (re)designed syllabus (includes assignments, readings, etc.) focused on upper-level Climate in the Discipline instruction.
- Module ($1000 stipend): newly (re)designed module focused on upper-level Climate in the Discipline instruction.
Time Commitment: This institute will be held in the Living Learning Center’s Great Hall (LLA 205). Participants can expect the following in terms of commitment:
- Pre-work: participants will complete a self-guided activity with resources relevant to sustainability education and pedagogy prior to the institute
- Tuesday, May 21, 9am-4pm: in-person program in LLA 205
- Wednesday, May 22: ~4 hrs of homework, location of your choice
- Thursday, May 23, 9am-4pm: in-person program in LLA 205
- Post-work: by August 1, participants will turn in their product (syllabus or module)
Application: Please complete this CID Institute form by Friday, April 12th. We hope to include all faculty who apply (as budget and space allow). We will get back to all applicants by the following Friday, April 19th.
Questions: Contact Shea Tuberty ( and Laura England (