Pathways to Resilience Team

Dr. Shea Tuberty, QEP Director
Dr. Shea Tuberty ( was selected in January 2023 as uniquely qualified to lead this effort. As a professor in the Department of Biology, he teaches several relevant classes and has published in a range of journals, including Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Processes, the Journal of Environmental Protection and Science of the Total Environment. He has long played a leadership role in sustainability and climate literacy efforts on campus, including being the first faculty member to pilot the “Climate Responses & Response-Ability” course. In addition, he has built strong relationships and honed his leadership and strategic planning skills through service on university committees, councils and task forces, as well as on community and professional organizations. Dr. Tuberty also leads an interdisciplinary research cluster of high school, undergraduate and graduate students focused on understanding the impacts of land-use and climate change on water resources. Dr. Tuberty joined App State’s faculty in 2002 as an assistant professor in biology and served for seven years as the department’s assistant chair. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Tulane University and a B.A. in general biology from Vanderbilt University. Read more about Shea here.

Dr. Shea Tuberty, QEP Director
Dr. Shea Tuberty ( was selected in January 2023 as uniquely qualified to lead this effort. As a professor in the Department of Biology, he teaches several relevant classes and has published in a range of journals, including Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Processes, the Journal of Environmental Protection and Science of the Total Environment. He has long played a leadership role in sustainability and climate literacy efforts on campus, including being the first faculty member to pilot the “Climate Responses & Response-Ability” course. In addition, he has built strong relationships and honed his leadership and strategic planning skills through service on university committees, councils and task forces, as well as on community and professional organizations. Dr. Tuberty also leads an interdisciplinary research cluster of high school, undergraduate and graduate students focused on understanding the impacts of land-use and climate change on water resources. Dr. Tuberty joined App State’s faculty in 2002 as an assistant professor in biology and served for seven years as the department’s assistant chair. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology from Tulane University and a B.A. in general biology from Vanderbilt University. Read more about Shea here.
Laura England, Director of Academic Sustainability Initiatives
Laura England ( began co-leading the Pathways to Resilience QEP in August 2023. She has taught the natural science that informs sustainable development at App State since 2010 and is a Practitioner in Residence in the Department of Sustainable Development. Laura enjoys coordinating the QEP’s diverse programs, including curricular proposals, workshops for faculty, student engagement events, and guest speakers as well as hosting the Find Your Sustain Ability podcast. For more than a decade, Laura has applied her outreach experience and climate concern to cross-campus climate literacy efforts, including convening faculty from across the disciplines to explore climate curriculum possibilities and co-leading the Climate Stories Collaborative and the Climate Responses and Response-Ability course initiative. Before coming into the classroom, she spent seven years directing environmental sustainability programs in the non-profit sector, and has invested in six additional non-profit organizations through board of directors service. Laura earned an M.S. Ecology and a Graduate Certificate in Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development at the University of Georgia’s School of Ecology. Always interested in thinking across the disciplines, Laura’s undergraduate work included a B.S. Environmental Science & Ecology and a B.S. Multidisciplinary Studies: Art & Values in a Technological Society at North Carolina State University. Read more about Laura here.

Laura England, Director of Academic Sustainability Initiatives
Laura England ( began co-leading the Pathways to Resilience QEP in August 2023. She has taught the natural science that informs sustainable development at App State since 2010 and is a Practitioner in Residence in the Department of Sustainable Development. Laura enjoys coordinating the QEP’s diverse programs, including curricular proposals, workshops for faculty, student engagement events, and guest speakers as well as hosting the Find Your Sustain Ability podcast. For more than a decade, Laura has applied her outreach experience and climate concern to cross-campus climate literacy efforts, including convening faculty from across the disciplines to explore climate curriculum possibilities and co-leading the Climate Stories Collaborative and the Climate Responses and Response-Ability course initiative. Before coming into the classroom, she spent seven years directing environmental sustainability programs in the non-profit sector, and has invested in six additional non-profit organizations through board of directors service. Laura earned an M.S. Ecology and a Graduate Certificate in Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development at the University of Georgia’s School of Ecology. Always interested in thinking across the disciplines, Laura’s undergraduate work included a B.S. Environmental Science & Ecology and a B.S. Multidisciplinary Studies: Art & Values in a Technological Society at North Carolina State University. Read more about Laura here.

Dr. Mike McKenzie, Vice Provost of Academic Program Development and Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Mike McKenzie ( is the Vice Provost for Academic Program Development and Strategic Initiatives. Dr. McKenzie is a tenured professor in the Department of Public Health and Exercise Science. He has been recognized as a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM). He has previously served as president of the Southeast Chapter of ACSM. His vice provost duties include space management, program offerings, development of new programs, program modalities and other duties as assigned by the provost. Read more about Mike here.
Laura Johnston, University Program Specialist
Laura Johnston ( began working at the university in 2014, after fourteen years in the sustainable building field. She served for several years as Events and Finance Director in App State’s Office of Sustainability. Laura earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Appalachian State University: a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a self-designed concentration in Sustainable Development in 1999 (along with minors in Appropriate Technology and Anthropology) and a MA in Appalachian Studies with a concentration in Sustainability in Appalachia in 2019. She focused her graduate research on food security in southern Appalachia, and is a member of AppalFRESH (Appalachian Food Research for Equity, Sustainability, and Health), a collaborative of faculty, staff, students, and community members. Laura is also a Staff Senator and has served on the AppKIDS committee for several years.

Laura Johnston, University Program Specialist
Laura Johnston ( began working at the university in 2014, after fourteen years in the sustainable building field. She served for several years as Events and Finance Director in App State’s Office of Sustainability. Laura earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Appalachian State University: a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a self-designed concentration in Sustainable Development in 1999 (along with minors in Appropriate Technology and Anthropology) and a MA in Appalachian Studies with a concentration in Sustainability in Appalachia in 2019. She focused her graduate research on food security in southern Appalachia, and is a member of AppalFRESH (Appalachian Food Research for Equity, Sustainability, and Health), a collaborative of faculty, staff, students, and community members. Laura is also a Staff Senator and has served on the AppKIDS committee for several years.
Pathways to Resilience Advisory Council (as of Fall 2024)
- Elizabeth Auer, Arts Engagement & Cultural Resources
- Dr. Becki Battista, Office of Student Research
- Jeff Cathey, Student Affairs
- Dr. Garner Dewey, Department of Applied Design
- Dr. James Douthit, Hayes School of Music
- Dr. Carolyn Edy, SACSCOC Compliance
- Chrissie Faupel, Office of International Programs
- Donna Gallo, University Communications
- Dr. Christine Hendren, Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics
- Mike Kapp, Sustainability & Energy Management
- Dr. Vicky Klima, Honors College
- Heather Langdon, Assessment and Planning
- Dr. Denise Levy, Beaver College of Health Sciences
- Dr. Mike Madritch, College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Lindsay Masland, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success
- Dr. Marty Meznar, Walker College of Business
- Jason Miller, College of Fine and Applied Arts
- Jamie Parson, Academic Affairs
- Sue Polanka, University Libraries
- Jennifer Shaffer, Career Development Center
- Dr. Reeves Shulstad, Hayes School of Music
- Dr. Melba Spooner, Reich College of Education
- Dr. Amy Wood, Division of University Advancement
- Dr. Ted Zerucha, General Education / Department of Biology
Pathways to Resilience Implementation Committee
Faculty/Staff Members (as of Fall 2024)
- Dr. Ben Alexander-Eitzman, Department of Social Work
- Lila Barrera, Department of Biology
- Stephanie Bennett, Belk Library and Information Commons
- Dr. Katie Biddle, Counseling, Family Therapy and Higher Education
- Dr. Melinda Bogardus, Department of Nursing
- Dr. Aniseh Bro, Sustainable Development
- Dr. Brian Burke, Sustainable Development
- Heidi Campbell, Counseling & Psychological Services Center
- Dr. Ashley Carpenter, Counseling, Family Therapy and Higher Education
- Dr. Nicholas Cline, Hayes School of Music
- Dr. Anindita Das, First Year Seminar
- Dr. Derek Davidson, Department of Theatre & Dance
- Jewel Davis, Belk Library and Information Commons
- Dr. Jim Deni, Department of Psychology
- Brianne Dunn, Physics & Astronomy
- Dr. Jeremy Ferrell, Department of Sustainable Technology & the Built Environment
- April Flanders, Department of Art
- Natalie Foreman, Belk Library and Information Commons
- Dr. Catherine Fountain, Department of Languages, Literatures & Culture
- Dr. Eric Frauman, Recreation Management
- Donna Gallo, University Communications
- Dr. Amy Galloway, Department of Psychology
- Kevin Gamble, Sustainable Technology & the Built Environment
- Makenzie Goodman, Department of Art
- Dr. Brandy Hadley, Department of Finance, Banking & Insurance
- Dr. Tammy Haley, Department of Nursing
- Amanda Hege, Nutrition and Healthcare Management
- Joyce Hill-Powers, Department of Sociology
- Dr. Tina Hogan, Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning
- Beth Holcomb, Campus Activities
- Geralyn Jordan, Career Development Center
- Ann Pegelow Kaplan, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Lanie Karstrom, Office of Sustainability
- Dr. Tammy Kowalczyk, Department of Accounting
- Dr. Susan Lappan, Department of Anthropology
- Dr. Brian MacHarg, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success
- Dr. Eric Marland, Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Dr. Heather Jo Mashburn, Community-Engaged Leadership
- Dr. Dave McEvoy, Department of Economics
- Dr. April McGinnis, Department of English
- Dr. Angela Mead, Honors College
- Jeanne Mercer-Ballard, Department of Applied Design
- Dr. Vachel Miller, Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership
- Dr. Kirstin Morgan, Government and Justice Studies
- Dr. Savannah Murray, Department of English
- Sherry Nikbakht, Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Dr. Vencislav Parvanov, Department of Physics & Astronomy
- Jordan Perry, Wellness and Prevention Services
- Dr. Nicholas Poggioli, Department of Management
- Dr. Janice Pope, Department of Communication
- Dr. Christine Quattro, Department of Geography & Planning
- Carla Ramsdell, Department of Physics & Astronomy
- Mary Anne Redding, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts
- Dr. Theresa Redmond, Media, Career Studies, & Leadership Development
- Dr. Tatyana Ruseva, Department of Government and Justice Studies
- Dr. Mark Schwarze, Counseling, Family Therapy and Higher Education
- Adam Stacey, Department of Art
- Dr. Maggie Sugg, Department of Geography & Planning
- Dr. Bhuwan Thapa, Department of Geography & Planning
- Dr. Brenda Thomas, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success
- Dr. Heather Thorp, Department of Social Work
- Dr. Jim Toub, Department of Art
- Dr. Saskia van de Gevel, Department of Geography & Planning
- Dr. Rachel Wilson, Department of Learning, Teaching and Curriculum
- John Wiswell, Belk Library and Information Commons
Student Members (as of Fall 2024)
- Georgia Arnold, Sustainable Development
- Rose Benton, Sustainable Development
- Dezirae Britton, Sustainable Development
- Mayesivy Carlson, Communication
- Alaina Case, Sustainable Development
- Finley Collins, Sustainable Technology
- Sofie Crump, Sustainable Development
- Alli Cullen, Interior Design
- Dallas Davis, Applied Physics
- Liv Delprete, Biology
- Kristopher Drummond, Clinical Mental Health / Expressive Arts Therapy
- Asher Fazal, Management
- Abby Gonzalez, Political Science
- Ella Harris, Sustainable Development
- Madi Heater, Recreation Management
- Elan Hess, Sustainable Development
- Evan Hiemenz, Political Science / Honors College / Student Government Association
- Ella Holmes, Sustainable Development
- Blaez Jibben, Computer Science
- Sarah Johnson, Building Sciences
- Leighani Johnson, Biology
- Carly Kammerdiener, Geology
- David Lance, Undecided
- Xander Landers, English and Biology
- Abbey Mcelveen, Sustainable Development
- Ari Meeker, Psychology
- Wes Mills, Sustainable Technology
- Tatyana Mills, Sustainable Technology
- Fauna Mitchell, Sustainable Development
- Favian Morales, Exercise Science / Student Government Association
- Max Oakley, Psychology
- Idaly Ochoa, Sustainable Development
- Siri Patterson, Communication
- Emma Payne, Political Science
- Andrew Rice, Communication
- Sierra Russell, Biology
- Jason Schlachtun, Economics / Sustainable Development
- Sophia Sizer, Biology
- Eryn Stowe, Environmental Science / Geology
- Emma Taylor, Environmental Science
- Thomas (Lock) Todd, Management / Student Government Association
- Malcolm Vaughn, Sustainable Development
- Colin Wishneski, History